This and many Themes, Plugins and Addons Premium you can download COMPLETELY FREE with a Lifetime membership unlimited with zero restrictions.
- Free download with membership
- Is not what you are looking for needs to be updated?
- Description
- Tips and Instructions
Please keep in mind that there are hundreds of Plugins and Addons, to keep up with, and this is why we ask that you notify us (after your purchase) - if this add-in needs to update and in 24 hours I will send you the e-mail.
We respect your Privacy and the Laws of Data Management, for this reason we do not share your Information.
complemento de WordPress que utiliza una interfaz de editor visual para crear una variedad de controles deslizantes animados. Incluye una gran cantidad de funciones que te permitirán crear y agregar al sitio todo tipo de controles deslizantes y bloques con diferentes tipos de elementos, videos, fuentes, imágenes, etc. Smart Slider es un potente complemento. Ofrece una cantidad realmente impresionante de funciones con las que puedes crear casi cualquier tipo de controles deslizantes animados. Última actualización: 25/06/2021
Versión actual:
Tips and Instructions
To download any Theme, Plugin or Addon simply go to the Store, click on the description of each product and you will see the green button Download, To find the desired product you can use the search bar to browse through categories in the header.
To avoid errors take into account:
1. Error “Missing style sheet Style.css”:
A common problem that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is the error message “Theme is broken and / or stylesheets missing” is displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the download package themes on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme, like documentation, license, etc
To resolve this, simply unzip the theme package that you downloaded in the Store plugins x Dolar and load the file that includes (being the file name of the topic).
2. Uninstall free versions of the plugin before you install the premium version of our website. Can cause conflicts during installation and activation.
3. Always install all files that should be installed, normal version and a professional if it exists in the file, all theme files and all needed plug-ins that includes the downloaded from our Store Plugins.
4. In many archives of Topics, you can find an installation file main, along with a file In such cases, always you must install both the main theme as the, and activate the
5. Some add-ons/themes might ask you for a license key to activate Premium Support or automatic Updates which are not offered in this site.
6. Always use the installer WordPress Appearance>Themes>Add new>Upload
7.When the downloads Practically FREE are we prone to having the latest Versions of each File, the only thing you should do is to Download the new version as soon as it is available, we welcome you contact us to let us know of any new update. you can update it manually.
Installation of demos Divi:
You should not use the import method automatic. Download DIVI THEME and also DIVI LAYOUTS. Inside Divi Layouts you will find a text file with instructions in a video with the steps to follow to import.
Installation of demos Bridge:
Follow these instructions. The site is official from manufacturer, so it is not in English. but you can use the translation of Google Chrome to read it in Spanish. Follow the instructions clicking here
Installing Elementor Pro:
Elementor is not a theme, but a Plugin, so it should not be installed from the Appearance section/Topics.
Inside the file of Elementor Pro, there are two Zip files: and The steps to follow are:
1. Remove any previous installation of Elementor that you've installed.
2. Unzip the file to access the installation files contained within.
3. First install
4. Then install